For my first blog post, I wanted to discuss what I hope to get out this class. EDCI 337 seems to be an interesting class. This course is my final course and elective of my degree. I am extremely eager to get this course underway as I am very close to graduating. On that note, a large portion of my degree has been completed online. I found that my online learning has developed drastically when the pandemic occurs, as I’m sure many other UVIC students would agree. I have now successfully completed two online terms as well as one online co-op term. I have adapted my learning style throughout the past year as well. I was accustomed to learning in an in-person lecture-style classroom. Online lectures, I found, relied more on a combination of media, including video, images, audio, and text. My objective for this course is to better understand what types of multimedia. One thing I am curious about is if online learning provides the same education as in person? For instance, were students given equal opportunity with their education during the pandemic? Although, I believe this question is quite complex and hard to evaluate both qualitative and quantitative. One could not simply look at greats as there are many factors that change in education that is being delivered. Many students may find that taking online exams is different than in person.